Following methods let you configure the Z-NAS IP address setting
1) Connect Web Server and configure IP setting ( default )
2) Connect the RS232 Cable to Z-NAS, and then Run the Hyper Terminal
Under linux console, edit the "/etc/config/network" file
#vi /etc/config/network
*Edit the "/etc/config/network" file to select “Static”,”Dynamic get IP” or”PPPoe ADSL dialed”and set value
3) In MicroSoft Windows, use "My Network Place" to find Z-NAS, and then edit the "/etc/config/network" file
4) Of course, you also can set the IP with the "ifconfig" command under linux console
Default setting:
When you connect the network cable and power on Z-NAS Board. Fist Z-NAS board will work as Dhcp Client to get a IP address from Dhcp Server ,but If it could not find the Dhcp Server ,the Z-NAS will get its default Static IP ""